Saturday, August 22, 2015

Missionaries Need Constant Encouragement!

   When missionaries used to go out into the field the expectation was that they were isolated and, on rare occasions, they were able to send a brief word that they were alive and doing GOD's work.   In todays world of technology missionaries don't have to  be isolated.  Through satellites and computers (even in remote areas, access permitting) there is instant contact.  For my husband and I, we have a website, a facebook page and email for our mission where anyone, at anytime, can greet us, encourage us, pray for us and partner with us.  So, why do we feel like the isolated missionaries of long ago?

     I can justify this question with a lot of anwers, but it really comes down to the fact that people see missionaries as "out of sight, out of mind."  I know that there are partners of our mission that stay in prayer for us and encourage us, but we still somehow feel isolated out here in the field.  How is that possible?

     I think that it is very necessary, even with constant contact with the world, that missionaries be lifted up daily and encouraged directly.  Facebook is a good tool for this very purpose.  A short comment. A smily face.  A prayer. Something tangible to show the love, care, compassion for the missionaries being supported.  It's just that simple, right?

     It does take a little time, but you are already on Facebook, aren't you?  No?  Well, then email works, too!  Make the time to be supportive.  Isn't that what is said at the sendoff for the missionaries?  You will stay in contact to see how they are doing? You will pray for them and/or financially support them while they are out there in the field?  Then show them that you still do.  Send something daily, weekly and/or even monthly to show that they still matter.

     All kinds of people need encouragement, feedback, awareness that they matter to others.  It's part of human nature.  It's imporant for self-confidence and self-esteem.  So, don't just  give lip service, give physical/tangible service and show the missionaries how you can be supportive.


     That is all, I am now stepping off my soapbox.  Thank you kindly!

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