Tuesday, September 29, 2015


     This blog is sort of a continuation  of my last blog.  I am feeling very strong about the personal connections issue and feel I need to get it off my chest.  I apologize ahead of time for any bad feeling that this may bring while you read it. It is not my intention to alienate or hurt anyone's feelings.  Here I go...

Last week was a good week!  I realized that I am happier now and have bonded with the group of people that I think of fondly as my "Margarita Happy Hour Group".  It really makes a difference for me here in the Philippines.  I am not as homesick and I look forward to the fellowship, outings, activities besides our Isaiah Project  Missions.  This keeps me busy not thinking about the lack of communication from "home" (the States).  It took a year for this to develop and not a minute too soon!  I see now that GOD did not put us here on this earth to be by ourselves.  Yes, we need our own time and space to regroup and gain perspective but in reality we were innately made to commune with others in every aspect of the word.

     My new peeps make my time here pleasurable.  However, I am very sad and disappointed in people back "home" for not keeping in constant communication with me (I don't mean every day, rather once a week to once in awhile) -- no one and I mean no one Skypes with me, even though they said they would -- even my cotton pickin' family!  This angers me when I think about it!  I should not let it get to me and it takes all my effort not to.  I think, "Where is the courtesy?"  Don't promise or say you will do it then don't! I know for a fact I would do this for others.  I understand and realize that people have their own busy lives, BUT they can still reach out!!  Look at my friend, Sara!  She's is extremely busy being a Soccer Mom/Wife to a house full of males, working full-time and doing all sorts of other activities/outings AND we message back and forth almost daily!

     Now, I want you to understand what I am saying here...I am not wanting any type of pat on the back, "way to go, at ta girl" sayings or any justifications as to why you are not in communication, that doesn't matter to me.  I just want to be acknowledged that you know I am still out here and I am missing you. I am in need of personal connections through all types of communication.  Even if it's just that quick "hello" or a smiley face through: Messenger, email, Facebook, Google Plus, Skype, and many others that includes the lost art of sending a card or a letter through the postal service.  If you can't do one method, there are others to choose from.  With today's technology it is almost impossible NOT to keep in touch!  Just a side note here...I want to express my deepest love and gratitude for those who do keep in touch!  I, again, apologize if you happen to feel guilty.  It is not my intention for you to feel that way.


     The act of keeping in touch is a two way street.  I just want to let you know that I have communicated but wasn't always responded to and if there is a response it was like a brush off.  That hurt, but I keep trying until there is no response. Truly, if you absolutely don't want to communicate, just say so.  At least I know where you stand, and that is ok.  Then, there will be no hard feelings.
  Alas, the realization that people are who they are and I have possibly placed way too much expectations upon them.  Just because I like to do this for others doesn't mean they like to do it in return... I am sad at this but I guess that's reality.